How we change the lives of isolated elderly people in Albania

A widow bereft of all family finds community through Mission Without Borders

17th November 2024
An elderly lady shows photos of her sons.

Pensions and poverty

Albania’s population is rapidly ageing, with one in four people already over the age of 60. The average pension remains below the relative poverty line and many elderly people struggle to meet their basic needs.

Mersine, 77, is a widow who lives alone in the suburbs of Durres, Albania. She survives on a pension of just 50 Euros a month, which is not even enough to buy the medicine she needs.

Many elderly people were left without savings or social safety nets after Albania’s chaotic political transition from communism to market capitalism.

In 2022, the average pension in urban areas reached only 44.4% of the average net wage. This figure is even lower in rural areas.
Mission Without Borders

“Once I came here, they just left me here alone”

Mersine moved to Durres from northern Albania 19 years ago after her sons built her a house here. She imagined they would all live in the house together – but unemployment in Albania is high and wages are low – so her sons moved to Greece to find work. 

Mersine began to cry as she said, “Once I came here, they just left me here alone.”

Mersine’s life of struggle

Mersine’s life was never easy. Many years ago, she worked in an agricultural collective under communism. She was married off by her family when she was only eight years old, to man who was 20. This was common in those days.

When asked if he had been a good husband, she replied, “Good or bad, I have children with him. It was really difficult because I had no support.”

From loneliness to friendship and celebration

Mersine was struggling with isolation and poverty when a neighbour told Mission Without Borders that she needed support. Now Mersine receives regular visits from our coordinator Niko, who brings her food and other essentials as well as spending time talking and praying with her.

Mersine also likes going along to events organised in partnership with the local church. Her favourite event so far was a big celebration in the community.

“There was a festive atmosphere, music and a feast. We enjoyed each other’s company and some people started dancing,” Mersine said.

She added, “I’m very happy to have you here and I love having you visit.”

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